Change log

  • 3 weeks ago — June 7, 2024
    • Added a button to open a folder to locate the base model and Lora models folder
    • Added a model & lora page to collect communities models
  • 1 months ago — May 30, 2024
    • Using $HOME/DrawingPicsModels as the default models path to avoid white space problems when installing conda, affecting new users but not affecting old users
  • 1 months ago — May 28, 2024
    • Allow using whitespace in path
    • Fix style selector issue
  • 1 months ago — May 24, 2024
    • New architecture, New UI, New onboarding experience, New whiteboard.
    • AI inference speed up.
    • LoRA can be mixed in precision mode.
    • Support Dark, Light mode
  • 6 months ago — December 19, 2023
    • The UI design has been simplified, and there is no distinction between advanced models. All models can be downloaded from civitai as safetensors. By default, I provide the dreamshaper8 model, but you can also put other models in the 'models' folder. For Loras, you can put it in the 'models/lora' folder
    • The parameters 'steps,' 'guidance scale,' and 'denoising strength' have been exposed, allowing you to adjust them
    • Sketching is a precise drawing mode. Previously, it was locked to a specific model, but now you can switch between models
  • 6 months ago — December 9, 2023
    • Fix bugs
    • Feature: support local safetensors models
    • Feature: add safetey checker (NSFW)
    • Documentation: add more documentation
  • 6 months ago — December 7, 2023
    • Fix bugs
    • Release the first official version 1.0.1
    • Feature: added two new models, which now allow for precision drawing and realism drawing
    • Feature: added style prompt select
    • Pricing: license key no longer required for base model
    • Pricing: add early bird discount
    • Documentation: add documentation page
  • 7 months ago — December 4, 2023
    • Fix alert bug
  • 7 months ago — December 3, 2023
    • Fix bugs
    • Sentry integraded
    • New version auto discovery
    • Python dependencies installation using proxy
    • Add alert error messages
  • 7 months ago — December 1, 2023
    • The first version.
    • Support unlimit image to iamge drawing
    • Support image drag, resize, copy paste
    • Support custom directory choosing for models cache
    • Support custom model name choosing, auto download from huggingface
    • Support dark mode
    • Support Window resizable.
    • Temporary free for early users
    • Only tested on MacBookAir M1, not sure about Intel